Wednesday, December 30, 2009

worlds tallest dog!

This blue 4-year-old Great Dane named George is a real giant. He could be the worlds tallest dog! He is 43 inches tall (from paw to shoulder), 7ft 3ins (from nose to tail) and weighs 245lbs (111kg)! Another quite interesting detail: George consumes 110 pounds of food every month!! His owners are awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records to see if he actually the tallest dog in the world.. Pictures are really impressive!HAPPY NEW YEAR...

9 Promises should be taken before choosing IT Profession

9 Promises should be taken before choosing IT Profession 1. I have already enjoyed my life in childhood 2. I love tension 3. I don't want to spend time with my friends ( Excellent, I have seen lot many peoples… L ) 4. I love night outs 5. I love to work on Sundays and Holidays 6. I want to take revenge on myself (Perfect Reason) 7. I don't want to marry before 30 8. I don't want good Salary...

Vishnu vardhan dead,...Dr. Vishnuvardhan died of heart attack at 59

The end of the year 2009 has turned very bad and sad on the part of Kannada audiences. When they are struggling to recover from the death of singer C Ashwath, Kannada film industy has lost another star, who had filled the place of Hiriyanna after the death of Dr. RajkumarSahas Simha Dr. Vishnuvardhan, who had entered Kannada film industry with Puttanna Kanagal’s Nagara Havu, has died of heart attack at 2.30 am at Vikram Hospirtal in Mysore. He was...

Britney Spears's Hot pics....

So many artists have been inspired by Britney, and rightfully so! Well, let's be honest — everyone has a little Britney in them. She brings it all: The sweet, the innocent, the sex kitten, the empowered woman who rules the world... plain and simple, she's the best! Would you call her a video vixen? I would. If anyone is the Music Video Queen, it’s her. Who else can take you from school to space, from the beach to center ring?Next >&...

Greatest 5 Entertainers of teh Decade...

1.Horry PotterRowlling's boy-next-door wizard remains fresh long after we've turned thelast page and watched the last end creidt.2. The SopranosThis mafioso TV series with conflict and bullet ridden characters is decade's best show..3.YouTubeProviding a safe home for piano-playing cats, celeb goof-ups and lib-synchers since 2005.4.Lord of the Rings..the celluloid adaptation of JRR Tolkien's trilogy exerted irrsistible pull on everyone.5.Lost you...

J Lo's dress at the 2000 Grammys:

Here's what may have been going through Jennifer Lopez' head before the 2000 Grammy Awards: "I'm going to be presenting, and I want a dress that will really get me noticed. I'm thinking something very low cut. No, lower. Lower. LOWER. I want people to see my belly button. Also most of my chest. Okay, now I want a long slit up the bottom so people can see my legs. Longer. Longer. Could you get it to end right at my — perfect! What are you talking about, this doesn't look at all like cheap vacation sarong purchased at a Sandals Resort gift shop....

Monday, December 28, 2009

Paris Hilton Photo Gallary..


Friday, December 25, 2009

Download EENADU Telugu Newspaper Font

Eenadu (ఈనాడు)Eenadu, headquartered in Hyderabad, India, is the largest circulated Telugu news daily in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Visit for online news from Eenadu newspaper - latest telugu news from Andhra pradesh inclduing politics, cinema, sports, lifestyles and more.Registered user can access Eenadu Epaper online at: Please follow the steps to install eenadu...

Download Flashplayer new Version

Down load new Flash Player Software.... “Adobe has started development of a Flash player suitable for use on Apple Inc.’s iPhone.” The reason for the delay, according to CEO Steve Jobs, was technological limitations. Jobs said the Flash player is “too slow to be useful” on the iPhone and that Adobe’s Flash Lite is “not capable of being used with the Web.” While Flash Lite is very limited compared to the power of the desktop Flash Player, Jobs’ statement...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Download Java Interview Questions

Java Interview Questions site attempts to discuss core java IT technical interview questions in detail. These are some of the java job interview questions that were asked in various java interviews. Questions from different people and communities are consolidated in place for your convenience. These questions are organized according to various java topics. This is to help you prepare well for java related technical interviews. I wish you good luck...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Download Java Project "Automated Ballot Vote"

Hi this is my Acadamic project on Java using Servlets, Jsp.Project Title : Automated Ballot vote.Environment : J2SDK 1.5, Weblogic 8.1, MyEclipse, Oracle9i,Tomcat5.0.Duration : 3 months.Description : Automated ballot vote is an information management system that has been developed for automating the process of election proceedings that take place between the people, and the government. The system needs consistent flow of information at different levels within the automated ballot vote, any...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fathima Kulsum Zohar Godabari - Queen of Saudi Arabia Pictures

Fathima Kulsum Zohar Godabari - Queen of Saudi Arabia Pictu...

Extrodinary Mass Human Formaitons in the world.

These are the huge human formations in the world which ever you seen....

Let's have some fun with GooGle logo

Hi , Guys Lets have some fun with GooGle...Nice GooGles......

Amazing Bicycles.Have a LOOK.

The invention of the bicycle has had an enormous impact on society, both in terms of culture and of advancing modern industrial methods. Several components that eventually played a key role in the development of the automobile were originally invented for the bicycle – e.g., ball bearings, pneumatic tires, chain-driven sprockets, spoke-tensioned wheels, e...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Live Cricket

View the live cricket affiliate program affiliate program affiliate prog...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Female Body Builder

view the muscles of the Lady body builder.....Write the comments below ........

Saturday, December 12, 2009


TeasersEvery Little Smile can touch Somebody's heart May U find hundreds of reasons to smile today and May U be the reason for someone else to smile alw...