Saturday, September 26, 2009

YSR helicopter crash photos...

Don't see if Your heart is weak.....please..This is a weird look of photos our Dr.Y.S.Rajashekar Reddy died and his helicopter members of pilot and the some of the peoples are died in a weird moment ...Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, the chief minister of the Andhra Pradesh in India was killed in a helicopter crash on , 2009. YSR's body was found the following day, along with the bodies of the four other passengers by Indian Air Force rescue crews. Images...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why Worry..!

Don't worry Be Happy. Here's a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don't worry, be happy. Every life we have some trouble When you worry you make it double. Don't worry, be happy Don't worry, be happy now. ...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Download SBI Clerks Challan Form

Every body knows that State Bank of India is going to recruit 11000 candidates for clerical post through out India. You people might be preparing for those examination if not start preparation now. I will very soon give you direct link for previous examination solved paper set. You can download SBI clerk recruitment Cash Voucher payment challan online from official website of SBI. Here I am giving you steps to download it. SBI hаѕ recently...

Strange things in the world...

1.Strange big fish in a toxic riverThis is the video to watch very strange...

World's highest bridge in the world

World's Highest BridgeFrench drivers put their cars into real 'high drive'..This "high drive" millau bridge is located in southern France, over the River Tarn in the Massif Central mountrains and it is the highest bridge in the world. Its highest point is a t 343 m(1,125) ft) , with a vehicle height of 270 m(885)-taller than the Eiffel Tower! It is a truly amazing pieceof engineering, especially considering the method used to span the distance between...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Y.S.R died in Helcopter crash.

This is too harsh to listen AndhraPradesh people , But it is real to believe Our favorable and belovable Cheif Minister Dr Y.S.Rajashekararaddy left from us and our earth too.Today 03-09-2009 we know the news he died but yesterday 02-09-2009 at 10:30 pm he died in Helcopter crash. But we known that news after 24 hours it is too bad to listen after a day.. Y.S.R. Reddy, chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, helped engineer the Congress party-led coalition's...