Saturday, July 31, 2010

Web Based Software Testing .pdf download

Challenges in Testing Web Based ApplicationsChallenges in Testing Web Based Applications In this tutorial you will learn about Challenges in Testing Web Based Applications Introduction, Why testing Web Applications is different? Factors effecting Testing of Web Applications, Why technology platforms affect testing? Challenges in Testing Web Based Web Applications, Summary.Introduction: Web based Applications are increasingly becoming more feature...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Britney Spears Shopping on Conservatorship Hearing Day

Another conservatorship hearing was held today, and Britney Spears was seen shopping again. Wait is this coincidence? We don’t see Britney leaving her Calabasas estates for weeks in a row, but everytime her father goes to court for a conservator ship, the singer magically appears everywhere.This seems a bit odd, but maybe Jamie only allows her to shop on the “hard days”? Anyways, check out this exclusive pictures of Spears while she shops for clothes...

Heroine Samantha Exclusive Unseen Photos

  Heroine Samantha Unseen Photos. Right now she is acting in Brundavanam.She is very hot and very model girl and little bit fast when compared to yemaya chesave. Heroine Samantha Exclusive Unseen Photos | Ye Maya Chesave Heroine Photos | Samantha New Photo Gallery | Samantha Latest Photos | Tolly Heroine Samantha Wallpapers Samantha Ruth Prabhu is an Indian film actress and model who appears in Tamil and Telugu films.Samantha received very...

Java Sample Resume Download

Hello As per the readers request i am posting the java resume.Modify it and send to your job openings.Have a nice day..DOWNL...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jakarta Struts 1.1 pdf

Speaker Introductions1 --Technologist (S1 Corporation)2--Author of Special Edition EJB 2.03--Author of Special Edition Java 24-- Editor on Various J2EE Books including Special Edition JSP and Servlets, Special Edition J2EE, WebServicesand WebLogic 7.05-- for JavaWorld, InformIT, etc.6-- developer and user since the beginning7-- several large J2EE Struts-based apps8-- Jakarta Struts from O’ReillyDOWNL...

Advanced Struts Topics .pdf

Even though Sang Shin is a full-time employee of SunMicrosystems, the content in this presentation is created as hisown personal endeavor and thus does not reflect any officialstance of Sun Microsystems.? Sun Microsystems is not responsible for any inaccuracies in thecontents.? Acknowledgments:– I borrowed from presentation slides from the following sources? “Using the Struts framework” presentation material from Sue Spielman ofSwitchback Software...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Creating and using JavaScript objects.pdf

Presented by developerWorks, your source for great of ContentsIf you're viewing this document online, you can click any of the topics below to link directly to that section.1. About this tutorial 22. What is object oriented programming? 43. Using built-in JavaScript objects 84. Creating custom objects 135. Using inheritance 206. Objects as properties 287. JavaScript objects summary 34DOWNL...

Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel .pdf

Overview Foreword 1 Introduction 5 1: Introduction to objects 21 2: Everything is an object 53 3: Controlling program flow 77 4: Initialization and cleanup 123 5: Hiding the implementation 159 6: Reusing classes 181 7: Polymorphism 209 8: Holding your objects 273 9: Error handling with exceptions 343 10: The Java IO system 373 11: Run-time type identification 441 12: Passing and returning objects 463 13: Creating windows and applets...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Offer from Google Group 'Opurtunity4u' admin Goutham Use it...

Hi Every one, how are u guys.. ? hope every one is doing good..Hope we are helping u little.. i would like to say thanks to each and every one who are contributing to the success of this group.n also here i have seen many ppls sharing the technical stuff too..thats really nice.. still want's to help u more.. And am planning to share my job search experience with u guys...and also wants to share some of the techniques in handling the interview...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Design Patterns Application in UML

Abstract. The Uni ed Modeling Language (UML) currently proposesa mechanism to model recurrent design structures: the parameterizedcollaborations. The main goal of this mechanism is to model the struc-ture of Design Patterns. This is an interesting feature because it can helpdesigners to point out pattern application without spending time withintricate design details. Moreover, it can also help designers to betterdocument their systems and to manage...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weblogic 9.0 Default Admin Username/Password

Default Oracle Weblogic Server administrator password Weblogic 9: the default admin username/password is: weblogic/weblogic Weblogic 10: the default admin username/password is: weblogic/weblogic Weblogic 11: the default admin username/password is: weblogic/welcome1 (try “weblogic1″ if not worki...

xml processing pdf Download

WEB service applications often pass information using XML documents. Application developers whose applications accept XML documents must understand how best to extract information from these XML documents and use that information in their business processing. They must also know how to assemble XML documents from the results of the business processing. This chapter provides an extensive coverage of XML document handling. To make it more manageable,...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Java Persistence with Hibernate Gavin king and Christian Bauer

brief contentsPART 1 GETTING STARTED WITH HIBERNATE AND EJB 3.0 .........11 ■ Understanding object/relational persistence 32 ■ Starting a project 373 ■ Domain models and metadata 105PART 2 MAPPING CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIES ........................1554 ■ Mapping persistent classes 1575 ■ Inheritance and custom types 1916 ■ Mapping collections and entity associations 2407 ■ Advanced entity association mappings 2778 ■ Legacy databases and custom SQL 322PART...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Best Movie Sites to watch and Download

The Best Movie sites to watch and

Best WebSites to Learn Oracle and DataBase

To learn Oracle and DataBase the following sites will guide you.Follow these sites to lean DataBase.I hope these are help to you.Oracle Help

Best WebSites to Learn JAVA

To learn java the given websites are good to learn java.Follow these given sites to learn java in fast and simple manner.I hope this will help to you. - The online counterpart of the Java Developer's Almanac - highly recommended for quick code snippets, and if you like the site, buy the book. - O'Reilly's Java website. New articles weekly. - The official Java developer website - new...

Download Indian Ruppe font

We have made the first font with support for Indian currency symbol. How to use ? 1. Download the above attached font Rupee.ttf or the new version Rupee_Foradian.ttf 2. Install the font. (It is easy. Just copy the font and paste it in "Fonts" folder in control panel) 3. Start using it. :) Click to view large new PSlideGallery2($('wimbnBoIzf'), [{"large":"","originalWidth":"524","largeWidth":"524","thumb":"","originalHeight":"408","largeHeight":"408","thumbWidth":"36","height":"389","main":"","thumbHeight":"36","originalSize":"59","original":"","width":"500"},{"large":"","originalWidth":"501","largeWidth":"501","thumb":"","originalHeight":"294","largeHeight":"294","thumbWidth":"36","height":"293","main":"","thumbHeight":"36","originalSize":"57","original":"","width":"500"}],...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thread Synchronization in java

If a Java class has synchronized methods, each object of the class behaves like a monitor: The synchronized methods guarantee mutual exclusion of the accessing threads. A thread can wait for a condition within a synchronized method until another thread notifies the waiting thread that the condition may be fulfilled..For more information see thisDOWNL...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Google Talk Download

Softonic rating: Excellent9/10 License: Free Added: January 13, 2006 Updated: February 27, 2009 Publisher: Google | More programs (56) File size: 1.5 MB Downloads: 3,729,837 Google Talk is Google's answer to MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and Skype. Google Talk is a messenger client with a "Web 2.0" feel that makes communicating with other Google users a piece of cake. The program integrates well with many of Google’s...

GMAIL setup software Download

Gmail software to download.DOWNL...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Komaram Puli songs Download

Download the .rar file to listen all songs.As a single zip here...DOWNL...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Struts Meterials from DURGA SOFT download.

Architecture2-tier Architecture3-tier Architecturen-tier ArchitectureWeb Application development modelsMODEL1 Based Web ApplicationsMODEL2 Based Web ApplicationsStruts IntroductionActionForm and Action ClassesStruts Flow/Struts ArchitectureDesignPatternsMVC(Model View Controller)Singleton DesignPatternFrontController DesignPatternApplicationController DesignPatternDataTransforObect/ValueObject DesigenPatternWeb.xml filestruts-config.xml fileValidationsBy...

Head First Design Patterns Download.

Product Details * Paperback: 676 pages * Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc.; 1 edition (October 25, 2004) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0596007124 * ISBN-13: 978-0596007126At any given moment, somewhere in the world someone struggles with the same software design problems you have. You know you don’t want to reinvent the wheel (or worse, a flat tire), so you look to Design Patterns–the lessons learned by those who’ve faced the same problems. With...