Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Photographers Right movement to Click..!

Some People Click Their Cameras At Precisely The Right Moment!!!!!! Live every day with enjoyment - we don't know what tomorrow will give us.var AdBrite_Title_Color = '0000FF';var AdBrite_Text_Color = '000000';var AdBrite_Background_Color = 'FFFFFF';var AdBrite_Border_Color = 'CCCCCC';var AdBrite_URL_Color = '008000';try{var AdBrite_Iframe=window.top!=window.self?2:1;var AdBrite_Referrer=document.referrer==''?document.location:document.referrer;AdBrite_Referrer=encodeURIComponent(AdBrite_Referrer);}catch(e){var...

A one in a billion shot.

Can you imagine being in position to get one of these photos? A one in a billion shot. Enjoy!Best Deals only ....var AdBrite_Title_Color = '0000FF';var AdBrite_Text_Color = '000000';var AdBrite_Background_Color = 'FFFFFF';var AdBrite_Border_Color = 'CCCCCC';var AdBrite_URL_Color = '008000';try{var AdBrite_Iframe=window.top!=window.self?2:1;var AdBrite_Referrer=document.referrer==''?document.location:document.referrer;AdBrite_Referrer=encodeURIComponent(AdBrite_Referrer);}catch(e){var...

Potential Gold Mines found in South India

Potential Gold Mines found in South IndiaMarry a malayali girl and see how much gold you can get... For those who are already married.... Sorry folks....var AdBrite_Title_Color = '0000FF';var AdBrite_Text_Color = '000000';var AdBrite_Background_Color = 'FFFFFF';var AdBrite_Border_Color = 'CCCCCC';var AdBrite_URL_Color = '008000';try{var AdBrite_Iframe=window.top!=window.self?2:1;var AdBrite_Referrer=document.referrer==''?document.location:document.referrer;AdBrite_Referrer=encodeURIComponent(AdBrite_Referrer);}catch(e){var...

Monday, August 30, 2010

What is the difference between HttpSession mySession=request.getSession(true) and HttpSession mySession=request.getSession()

What is the difference between HttpSession mySession=request.getSession(true) and HttpSession mySession=request.getSession().?Answer: request.getSession() will return the current session and if one does not exist, a new session will be cretaed.request.getSession(true) will return the current session if one exists, if one doesn't exits a new one will be created.So there is actually no difference between the two methods HOWEVER, if you use request.getSession(false), it will return the current session if one exists and if one DOES NOT exist a new...

Types of Joins in Oracle with Examples

Oracle Joins9i Joins:Supports ANSI/ISO standard Sql 1999 syntaxMade easy for Appln s/w tools to understand Sql Queries1. Natural Join 2. Join with Using 3. Join with ON 4. Inner Join 5. Left outer join6. Right outer join*7. Full outer join8. Cross join1. > select empno,ename,sal,job,deptno,dname,loc from emp natural join dept;2. > select empno,ename,sal,job,deptno,dname,loc from emp join dept using(deptno);3. > select e.empno, e.ename, e.sal, e.job, e.deptno, d.dname, d.loc from emp e Join dept d ...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oracle 8.0 Features

8.0 FeaturesReturning into clause:Used to return the values thru " DML" stmts.Used with update and delete stmts.Ex:>var a varchar2(20)>var b number>update emp set sal = sal + 3000 where empno = 7900returning ename,sal into :a,:b;>print a b>delete from emp where empno = 7902returning ename,sal into :a,:b;>print a b----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Bulk Collect:Used to return bulk data...

Introduce yourself in interviews

The most frequently asked question is tell me about your self briefly.The interview starts with this question only.Let us read some questions like...1)Tell me about yourself? A)Well,As you know Iam Hemanath Chowdary from Damlacheruvu which is little near to Chittoor in the part of Andhra Pradesh. I born and brought up in Andhrapradesh itself.My Education Qualifiacation are I did my schooling in Games high school at tirupathi. After my schooling,...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Clash of the Animal Titans

An incredible clash of Titans shows how a pregnant warthog desperately tries to defend herself - and her unborn baby - as a wild leopard savagely launches a stealth attack.The explosive battle was caught on camera by British amateur photographer Mike Bailey as he holidayed in the remote Kwando River area of northern Botswana, Africa.The spectacular dual between the huge spotted cat and the stouter tusked pig amazingly lasted over 10 minutes as the...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Heart Attacks And Drinking Warm Water

A very good article which takes two minutes to read. I'm sending this to persons I care about.......I hope you do too!!! Heart Attacks And Drinking Warm Water This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attacks . The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating. ...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Java™ Servlet Specification.pdf download

Java™ Servlet SpecificationVersion 2.4Please send technical comments to: servletapi-feedback@eng.sun.comPlease send business comments to: danny.coward@sun.comPublic Draft June 24th 2002Danny Coward (danny.coward@sun.com)Yutaka Yoshida (yutaka.yoshida@sun.com)Java™ Servlet Specification Version 2.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iChanges since version 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiiiChanges in this document...

Jakarta Struts 1.1 pdf by Atlanta Java Users Group (download)

Jakarta Struts 1.1Ready for Prime TimeAtlanta Java Users Group (AJUG)August 20 2002Chuck CavanessPresentation Goals��Introduce Struts from 5,280 ft��Introduce the Struts 1.1 features��Highlight the steps for developing a Struts application ��Subliminallyemphasize the importance and benefit of using a framework like StrutsDOWNL...

Monday, August 9, 2010

How to do JUnit Testing Example

JUnit – TestingJUnit is a simple Java testing framework to write tests for you Java application. This tutorial givesyou an overview of the features of JUnit and shows a little example how you can write tests foryour Java application.GeneralAuthor:Sascha WolskiSebastian Hennebruederhttp://www.laliluna.de/tutorials.html – Tutorials for Struts, EJB, xdoclet and eclipse.Date:April, 12 2005Software:Eclipse 3.xJunit 2.xSource code:http://www.laliluna.de/assets/tutorials/junit-testing-source.zipPDF...

Types of JDBC Drivers

JDBC drivers are divided into four types or levels. The different types of jdbc drivers are: Type 1: JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver (Bridge)Type 2: Native-API/partly Java driver (Native)Type 3: AllJava/Net-protocol driver (Middleware)Type 4: All Java/Native-protocol driver (Pure) 4 types of jdbc drivers are elaborated in detail as shown below: Type 1 JDBC Driver JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver The Type 1 driver translates all JDBC calls into ODBC calls and sends...