Saturday, August 15, 2009

Welcome to the Robotic World

Robots in the World

The World of Robotics has a huge range of kits and purpose built robots. We stock all the big brands including OWI, Arrick, Vex, Lego Mindstorms, Fischertechnic, Robotix, Logiblocs, Lynxmotion, Unimat, Parallax, Beam, CYE The educational robot, OOPic, Capsela, Robotech, Robonova, Robosapien, Tamiya, Accessories and Home Personal Robots

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If you enjoy construction, electronics, or computer programming, then robotics is for you. Our online store contains literally hundreds of different robots and related products for the beginner right through to the experienced user. An education section covers robotic resources for teachers along with details of our school incursion programs, after hours programs and our new corporate training programs. Our links section lists hundreds of informational and exciting robotic websites and our gallery will take you on a robotic journey.

Today, the robot is one of those predictions that has come to pass, but only in that "Well, sort of" kind of way. We have thousands of robots in our factories turning out everything from cars to electrical tooth flossers. Japan is positively stinking with them (robots, not tooth flossers). Not to mention all the mechakaiju giant robots that stomp Tokyo periodically, if Japanese cinema is anything to go by.

But these robots aren't what we had in mind. The robots of today are all basically descendants of Unimate; the one-armed industrial robot of the '60s. They're programmable machines that carry out a specific sequence of tasks time after time without error or deviation. For example, a robotic palletizer in the packaging industry. They're incredible machines and the latest models incorporate a remarkable range of sensors and artificial intelligence software, but to the uninitiated they look very little different from the other factory machines that surround them. Not like this illustration of a factory humming with anthropomorphic workers busily handling lathes and stamping mills.

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