Saturday, July 31, 2010

Web Based Software Testing .pdf download

Challenges in Testing Web Based Applications

Challenges in Testing Web Based Applications

In this tutorial you will learn about Challenges in Testing Web Based Applications Introduction, Why testing Web Applications is different? Factors effecting Testing of Web Applications, Why technology platforms affect testing? Challenges in Testing Web Based Web Applications, Summary.


Web based Applications are increasingly becoming more feature rich, important and also the most popular means for developing commercial systems. Most companies opt for developing web based software wherever possible. This helps in catering to large number of end users. The deployment of the apps (once the infrastructure is in place) is fairly easy.

The web based applications are powerful and have the ability to provide feature rich content to a wide audience spread across the globe at an economical cost.

Hence it is a daunting task to test these applications and with more and more features testing these apps is becoming even more complex.
In this article we will study the challenges faced when testing these applications


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