Sunday, September 5, 2010

java blackbelt factory for learning java

In 1998 we are a boring Java education company that teaches courses for IBM, Sun, and other education centers.

Very soon, we feel the need to do things differently. We want our teaching to benefit projects in direct and visible ways. We quickly start to nudge development projects on a path towards more efficient learning.

In 2004, we realize that we need to give students well-defined learning goals and targets. How can they progress if they don't know where to go? How do they know they arrived, or even that they are on the right track? is born in our minds: a set of real world exams for business Java developers.

One year later, the site is launched.

Today, 70,000+ users and many more anonymous visitors have given 5,000,000+ answers to 50,000+ community-created exam questions.
We are proud to have really helped a lot of people shift from book- or classroom-oriented training to "objective-oriented training".

Now that learners have a target, we're asking the question "How can we help them achieve that target even faster?". In 2009, our answer is to start Coached e-Learning.

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