Friday, August 1, 2014

Most beautiful city in World-the Venice

Venice is a city in northeastern Italy sited on a group of 118 small islands separated by canals and linked by bridges.The beauty of the Italy's Venice is unrivaled and the entire city is one of the art. It is one of only a few cities in the world that can be described as truly unique, where main streets are canals, there are no cars or traffic jams, and the mixture of Renaissance.
The fairy-tale or theatrical atmosphere is then enhanced by the carnival mask shops, romantic gondola rides, and colorful palazzos. Everywhere you turn is a postcard image of this unequalled urban masterpiece


1.The ride between the streets through the canal


2. The Gondola is a traditional rowing boat in Venice and one of the most charming and romantic ways of spending one's time in the city. The gondola ride is believed to bring closeness to newly-weds who are about to start their new life together. Gondoliers are usually good singers and frequently sing while the gondola glides along the canal. If you visit Venice, this is something you must do.

3.The ethereal city of water and stone rises like a dream from the waters of the lagoon. Regional inhabitants founded Venice as a marshy haven from invading barbarians, and the city’s waterways became the heart of both its defenses and its eerie beauty.


4.The Bridge of Sighs in Venice passes over the Rio di Palazzo and a local legend reports that the view from the bridge was the last view of Venice that convicts saw before their imprisonment. The bridge name, given by Lord Byron in the 19th century, comes from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window before being taken down to their cells.


5.Delivery barges (boats) are common in Venice. They will pass by stacked with anything from casks of wine to shoe boxes. Some have freezers to transport cold food and drink. Once goods get as near to their destination as the canals permit, they are unloaded and wheeled on handcarts through the lanes to their destination, and even the Italian postal service has their own delivery boats.


6.This ornamental stone bridge on the Grand Canal is one of the most famous bridge and is an icon of the city. Take a stroll across the Rialto Bridge and enjoy its lively shops and markets.



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