Thursday, July 8, 2010

Struts Meterials from DURGA SOFT download.

  • Architecture
    • 2-tier Architecture
    • 3-tier Architecture
    • n-tier Architecture

  • Web Application development models
    • MODEL1 Based Web Applications
    • MODEL2 Based Web Applications

  • Struts Introduction

  • ActionForm and Action Classes

  • Struts Flow/Struts Architecture

  • DesignPatterns
    • MVC(Model View Controller)
    • Singleton DesignPattern
    • FrontController DesignPattern
    • ApplicationController DesignPattern
    • DataTransforObect/ValueObject DesigenPattern

  • Web.xml file

  • struts-config.xml file

  • Validations
    • By using validate() method
    • By using ValidatorFrameWork

  • Different types of ActionForms and
    • ActionForm
    • DynaActionForm
    • ValidatorForm
    • DynaValidatorForm
    • ValidatorActionForm
    • DynaValidatorActionForm

  • Predefined Action Classes
    • ForwardAction
    • IncludeAction
    • DispatchAction
    • LookupDispatchAction
    • SwitchAction

  • RequestProcessor

  • LocalForwads and GlobalForwards

  • LocalExceptions and GlobalExceptions

  • DataSources

  • Predefined tag library

  • Tiles

  • IDE :MyEclipse

  • Servers :Tomcat, JBoss

  • Struts 2.0

  • Log4J
More Meterials from durga soft click here

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