Saturday, August 9, 2014



Beauty is the eternal gift of God. A perfectly beautiful body shares pleasure and satisfaction of mind. 
Both men and women are very much concern about this delicate aspect and want to groom this beauty so curiously. However, it is women who have to take much beauty care than men. From a satin smooth skin to soft lips, big attractive eyes to shining hair, every part of the body has to be well-maintained. A beauty care becomes necessary to stay always young and thus to get the admiration from all.

            Men are turning more conscious towards their looks whether it is pertaining to skin complexion or dressing and concentrating on the flawless skin has become one of the requities for them. So, come and have a deep look into the below fairness tips that suggests to what to follow for the gorgeous skin.

Here are the very simple 10 Beauty Tips for men:

These methods are natural and can be followed in our routine life and can be prepared easily in home.

1.Men’s skin is more thicker than women, hence they need to be more attentive while choosing the skin care products, depending on your skin type whether it is oily, dry or combination you need to look further.

2.Make it a habit to drink minimum 8 glasses of water everyday. Also practice to take foods which are rich in Vitamin A and C. They help you a lot to look beautiful naturally. To maintain the shine on your skin, you can try to mix honey with water and drink it daily while you wake up from sleep. Your skin shall not only shine but also become smooth.

3.We all know that our skin needs a moisturizer. To hydrate our skin naturally, one can try to massage the skin with milk. This will also keep the fresh glow of the skin intact.

4.Take a bath with lukewarm water and always remember to use a mild soap. Don’t use hot water as it will make your skin all the more dry. Be gentle while rubbing your skin with a towel; never be harsh with your skin.

5.Mix turmeric to milk cream and cover skin with this paste. While turmeric makes skin radiant milk cream provide moisture and nourishment giving you a fairer skin complexion.

6.Always try to eat uncooked raw fruits and fresh vegetables. After cooking and heating the food, the fluorine is destroyed – whose deficiency can lead to scaly skin. Remember that the deficiency of sodium can cause a wrinkled skin. Nobody would want such a skin. To combat wrinkles on your skin, have lots of cucumber. It acts as a substitute for sodium deficiency. Not only rich in sodium, cucumber is also an enabler to keep your body cool – provides a great relief during summers.

Cucumber & its juice_myclipta                                          Tomato & its juice_myclipta
7.Gel of aloe vera is rich in anti oxidants, moisture and vitamins that help in repairing damaged skin and improving skin complexion. This gel also acts as a natural scrub and should be massaged in circular motion for removing dead cells and dirt from skin.


8.Mixture of fruit juices like papaya, pineapple and strawberry can be used as a facial mask for getting a fair skin tone.

Pappaya & its juice_myclipta

9.Potato also has a lightening effect on skin that is beneficial in fading the dark spots, scars. It also contains an enzyme that has properties for lightening dark skin. Rub potato slices or apply its juice to skin. Keep it for 15 minutes and wash it using warm water.


10.Mixture of carrot and beetroot juice helps to make skin more reddish and fair.

Bertroot & its juice_myclipta




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