Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kate Winslet Wins Lawsuit Against Tabloid Magazine

Kate winslet is a happy girl right now! Winslet won a lawsuit against The Daily Mail who had run a report that was "misleading the public."

"I strongly believe that women should be encouraged to accept themselves as they are, so to suggest that I was lying was an unacceptable accusation of hypocrisy," the actress said in a statement.

During Oscar season the tab ran a report with the headline, "Should Kate Winslet win an Oscar for the World's most irritating actress?"

The Daily Mail agrees that the story about her exercise regime was false and will publish an apology and pay for Winslet's legal costs.

"I am delighted that the Mail have apologized for making false allegations about me," Winslet said in the statement. "I was particularly upset to be accused of lying about my exercise regime, and felt that I had a responsibility to request an apology in order to demonstrate my commitment to the views that I have always expressed about body issues, including diet and exercise."

Kate won $40,000 for the lawsuit but we're pretty sure it wasn't about the money for her. She has point to prove and she did!

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